Monday, July 13, 2015

     So, here's what's been happening with me. At the beginning of June, we moved from Germany to Tennessee. It was a very difficult move for me. Germany was the first place that ever felt like home to me. We had an amazing life there, complete with amazing friends. Our last month there, my focus was 100% on spending time with friends, drinking as much German beer as possible, enjoying treats from the bakery, and trying to fit in as many doners as i could. Needless to say, losing weight was 100% not a priority. And I believe that is perfectly justified. Now here I am, settled into my new home, and ready to get back on track. Let me tell you about what made me decide that now is the time to do that. A few months ago, while still in Germany, I was suffering with an itchy, scaly, inflamed rash around my neck. My friends from Germany can attest to how gross it looked. They all looked at me as if I had two heads and kept a safe distance, and I didn't blame them. I don't wear necklaces and I hadn't changed my laundry soap, so the doctor didn't know what was causing it. She prescribed some topical ointments, which made the rash go away as long as I put cream on my neck every day. But as soon as I skipped the cream for a few days, this angry rash would once again rear it's ugly head. Then, one day, it just cleared up on it's own! Hallelujah! I wrote it off as an anomaly, and gratefully put it out of my head. Then last week, I noticed my neck getting red, itchy, and scaly again. Shit! I thought I was done with this thing! So I racked my brain trying to figure out what had changed and why it was coming back now. My diet was the same, I hadn't changed laundry soap, and I still don't wear necklaces. Then I realized I haven't been taking my Plexus. I fell off that train about the time I was stuffing my face with European goodies. Then it hit me, this stupid rash had cleared up about the time I started Plexus. Aha! Well, really, that makes sense. After all, Triplex (which includes Plexus Slim, BioCleanse, and ProBio5) does clean out my insides and replace the bad with the good.
                                                              After 5 days of Plexus

       A little biology lesson for you: your gut is teaming with billions of tiny bacteria that help digest the food you eat and process nutrients and such. When you have an unhealthy microbiome, you are filled with the bad kind of bacteria, which feed primarily on sugar, hence why you crave sugar, aka, soda, any kind of processed food, and gluten. So if you are often overwhelmed with cravings for these sorts of things, there is actually a science behind it. You're not crazy! You're just being controlled by billions of bacteria that NEED these things to survive. So looking at Triplex, the BioCleanse helps to flush out the unhealthy bacteria, and the ProBio5 replaces them with the beneficial bacteria! This is how Triplex helps you take control of your cravings! Once those tiny bastards are gone and the good ones take over, your body doesn't crave that sugar anymore. That is why the Triplex combo is the fave for Plexus customers.
     So, I decided to do an experiment. I made a deal with myself to get back into my Plexus routine, remember to drink my drink in the morning, pop my BioCleanse in the afternoon, and my ProBio5 before bed, while changing nothing else about my life. If my rash cleared up, I would stop being a flake and take this Plexus thing seriously. After all, if the doctors cant cure it but Plexus can, then there must be something there, right? I started on Wednesday of last week, now it's Monday, and the redness and itchiness are gone and my skin now just feels slightly dry rather than scaly. And so, I'm committed, and I encourage you to consider Plexus also. With a huge network of happy customers and lives changed, and with thousands of testimonies as to the product's legitimacy, it is worth a try! It's not all about weight loss, health matters too. Sometimes the results start on the inside, isn't that magical?? Check it out and feel free to contact me with any questions!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My 7-Day Plexus Experiment

     I am not the pushy sales-person type. This is why these home-based businesses have never worked for me. I feel like an ass hole harassing my friends about buying whatever product I am currently pushing. I know my friends appreciate this quality in me. So, therefore, I find myself in a bit of a bind here, because I have found a product that I really like, that I know I can benefit from, and that a lot of my friends would be interested in. So what am I to do?! Do I become the annoying friend on Facebook who posts a new status every day about this awesome new product, forcing people to unfollow me and refuse to try this stuff on principle? No, no, there can be none of that... so here's my solution. I will say what I need to say to promote this stuff right here in my blog. That way those who are interested can learn what they need to know, and those that are not interested can remain blissfully ignorant to various Plexus propaganda.

     I have always been very leery about supplements. Those that know me well, know that I try to take good care of my body, avoiding soaps, lotions, antiperspirants, all forms of medication unless absolutely necessary, and processed food (of course I have moments of weakness, I'm only human...). Supplements to me have always fallen under the same category as these things- poison that I will not put into my body. I tried Plexus out of desperation mostly (lets be honest), but also out of curiosity. I have a friend who posted a very inspiring photo of  the difference in her body after a few days on this product. I immediately started researching Plexus, curious about if this sort of result was common, and of course how safe the product was. What I saw was, that the ingredients are all natural and that people have nothing but good things to say about the product. Even when I searched for Plexus reviews on the open web, not associated with the actual Plexus website, I found some skeptics of course, but nothing that would make me think twice about putting this stuff in my body. So I decided to give it a try.

     I ordered a 7-day challenge pack, which included a 7 day supply of Plexus Slim, and Accelerator. I couldn't wait to receive my order and was excited about the prospects, but I also remained cautious and skeptical. I wanted to give this stuff a fair shot, but I was definitely prepared to be disappointed. My order arrived within the week, and I started with weighing myself and taking my measurements. After all, this was an experiment.

     The first day, I didn't notice much of a difference. Which I thought was good. My body is pretty clean inside, and when I do indulge and eat things that are bad for me, my body generally wastes no time in punishing me. Usually in the forms of headaches, tiredness, or stomach aches. I had none of these symptoms while on Plexus.

     The second day, I noticed that I did not feel so attached to my normal snack times and I was not having my usual daily cravings for chocolate and various other sweet, bready, creamy things. The third day was when I really couldn't deny it anymore, this stuff was working. First of all, I had a ton of energy and spent the day puttering around the house cleaning everything and getting caught up on laundry. I got more done on this one day than I normally do in an entire week... or even two weeks. We all know I hate cleaning. I had very little appetite all day, and I felt like I had to make a conscious decision to eat. This is amazing to me, because any other day I am completely a slave to my cravings. My cravings rule my life. I feel as if I cant make smart food decisions because my cravings act like the devil and gently seduce me to do naughty things that I shouldn't do. And not fun naughty things either, the kind that leave me feeling fat and depressed and bloated and like I want to lay around the house in my jammies the rest of the day and sulk. To be able to say to myself, "Oh, it is lunch time. Frankly I'm not feeling too hungry, so perhaps I'll just have half a pita and a grapefruit..." Come on! I mean, yes, I eat like that a lot anyway, but usually it sounds something more like this, "Ok, I'm starving, thank God it's finally lunch. I'll have an entire pita and some chips. that's healthy. And when I'm done, I've definitely earned this cookie..." Ok, so this routine is why I am getting NO WHERE in my weight loss *frowny face*.

     By day 4, I was feeling slimmer and very confident. I felt like my jeans were fitting better and like my cheeks didn't look so plump. My face cheeks, not my ass cheeks. Four days is not a lot of time, but to spend 4 days not putting any junk in your body, cutting your portion sizes in half, and cutting out virtually all snacks throughout the day, it's definitely long enough to make a difference.

    Day 5,6, and 7 continued on this theme, appetite cut in half, no cravings, and no desire to graze throughout the day. I felt very energized and confident in myself. Something I love about Plexus is, it's not made to "target fat cells," or "build muscle 5x faster!" or any other crazy ploys that all these different products on the market promise. All it does is suppress your appetite, so you can essentially get out of your own way. My problems are, without a doubt, eating too much and too often, not having any energy, and not having the confidence that would push me to stick with healthy habits. I do have a lot of healthy habits, but after years of being pretty good to my body and not seeing the results I want to see, I have found myself at a point where I'm starting to feel like there's no hope, and that no matter what I do, it's never going to change anything. I need something that will give me a little kick in the ass, knock me off this plateau I've been stuck on, and just get me moving again. For all that, I am excited to say that I believe Plexus is my solution. At the end of my 7-day experiment, I had lost 3 pounds, 1/2 inch from my waist, 1 1/4 inch from my hips, and 1/4 inch from each of my thighs. I invite you to check out the product for yourself and maybe try a challenge pack like I did. I believe that this product could help a lot of people and I'm excited to be a part of it!